Bioinformatics 2002: A Neuroscientist's Guide to Tools and
Techniques for Mining and Refining Massive Data Sets
Organized by Robert W. Williams, PhD & Dan Goldowitz, PhD
A Society for Neuroscience short course presented at NEUROSCIENCE 2002
List of Contents
- Introduction
- Practical Considerations
and Approaches for Entry-Level Megavariate Analysis.

Bruce S. Kristal, PhD Weill Medical College of Cornell University White
Plains, NY
- Effective Mining of
Information in Sequence Databases.

David L. Deitcher, PhD Cornell University Ithaca, NY
- Neuroinformatics of Model
Organisms - The Mouse.

Dan Goldowitz, PhD University of Tennessee Health Science Center Memphis,
- Everyday Bioinformatics
for Neuroscientists: From Maps to Microarrays.

Robert W. Williams, PhD University of Tennessee Health Science Center
Memphis, TN
- Genomic Neuroscience Tools and Methods

Carrolee Barlow, MD, PhD The Salk Institute San Diego, CA
- Beyond the Gene List:
Using Bioinformatics To Make Sense Out of Array Data

Daniel H. Geschwind, MD, PhD; Joseph D. Dougherty; Lili C. Kudo; Stanislav
Karsten, PhD University of California, Los Angeles, CA
- Navigating Through
Multi-Resolution Imaging Data Using Knowledge-Guided Mediation
also PowerPoint presentation]
Maryann Martone, PhD University of California, San Diego, CA
- Bioinformatics and Brain
Imaging: Recent Advances and Neuroscience Applications

Paul M. Thompson, PhD University of California, Los Angeles School of
Medicine Los Angeles, CA,
Bioinformatic resources have matured rapidly and are now having a profound
impact on many facets of neuroscience. Well-annotated full genome sequence
data, information on networks of genes and proteins, morphometric and
electrophysiological databases devoted to whole brains, individual nuclei,
and even single cells and synapses are being integrate with decades worth of
research. Neuroscientists need to learn how to navigate through these
hypotheses of CNS development, structure, and function.
Our intent is for you to understand the types of questions can often be
asked and answered efficiently using bioinformatics tools and resources. In
many cases, what would have been a year-long experiment can now be handled
with a few keystrokes. We will take you through many examples-extending from
the exploration of gene structure up to 3D atlases of the human brain. We
will help you learn how to mine, refine, and leverage many on-line resources
and integrate them with your own laboratory data and your own specific
research objectives.
The course will consist of eight tutorial style lectures, followed by a
set of informal breakout groups. You will be able to attend two of the four
breakout sessions in the afternoon. We encourage you to bring your own
problems and questions.
Course Organizers: Robert W. Williams PhD. and Dan Goldowitz PhD,
University of Tennessee Health Science Center. Faculty: Carrolee Barlow
M.D., PhD., Salk Institute; David L. Deitcher, PhD., Cornell University; Dan
Geschwind, M.D., PhD., UCLA; Bruce S. Kristal, PhD., UCSD, Paul M. Thompson,
Note to the Reader
Please cite articles using this model: [AUTHOR'S LAST NAME, AUTHOR'S FIRST &
MIDDLE INITIALS] (2002) [CHAPTER TITLE] In: Bioinformatics 2002: A
Neuroscientist's Guide to Tools and Techniques for Mining and Refining
Massive Data Sets. (Williams RW, Goldowitz D, eds) pp. [xx-xx]. Washington:
Society for Neuroscience.
All articles and their graphics are under the copyright of their respective
Cover graphics ©2002 Society for Neuroscience.