Principal Investigator/Program Director Williams,Robert W.
Aim1. Construction of mouse 3D brain atlases and navigation software.
Aim2. Affined mapping into standard coordinates.
Aim3. Segmentation of the MBL and extraction of quantitative traits.
Problems and Issues Addressed in the Project.
Status of current research efforts.
Limitations of existing approaches.
Relationship of project to objectives of the Human Brain Project.
Integrative relationship between brain research and informatics components of the project.
Novelty of the Informatics component.
New methods and their advantages Aim 1: Construction of mouse 3D brain atlases and navigation software.
Aim 2: Affined mapping into the MBL standard coordinate system.
Aim 3: Segmentation of the MBL and extraction of quantitative traits.
Assessment of feasibility Aim 1: Contruction of mouse 3D brain atlases and navigation software.
Potential pitfalls and potential solutions Aim 1: Construction of mouse 3D brain atlases and navigation software.
Aim 2: Linear alignment of MBL into the standard coordinate system.
Aim 3: Segmentation of the MBL and extraction of quantitative traits.
Means of assessing success with respect to Phase II objectives.
Legacy data and other collections.
Assessing success.
Relevance of project 3 to the whole program.