(one of the first web sites in biomedical research, established Jan 1994)
(1983) Physiology, University of California, Davis
(1975) Psychobiology, University of California, Santa Cruz
INTERESTS • Systems genetics, complex trait
analysis, and functional genomics
• Control of gene expression
• Genetics of CNS diseases and addiction
• Visual system structure, function,
• Advanced methods in collaborative
research, data sharing, web services
2009–present UT-Oak
Ridge National Laboratory Governor’s Chair in Computational Genomics
2001–2009 William
and Dorothy Dunavant Chair of Excellence in Developmental Genetics: Department
of Pediatrics (secondary appointment), University of Tennessee Health Science
Center (UTHSC)
2008–present Director:
UT Center for Integrative and Translational Genomics (CITG)
2008–present Chief
Scientific Officer: Varigenix Inc., Memphis TN
2000–2007 Codirector/Director:
Center of Genomics and Bioinformatics, UTHSC
1997–present Professor:
Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology and Center for Neuroscience, UTHSC
2001–present Member:
Feinstone Center for Genomic Research, University of Memphis
1992–1997 Associate
Professor: Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology and Center for Neuroscience,
1989–1992 Assistant
Professor: Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology and Center for Neuroscience,
1986–1989 Assistant
Professor: Yale University School of Medicine, Section of Neuroanatomy
1985–1986 Associate
Research Scientist: Yale University School of Medicine, Section of Neuroanatomy
(P. Rakic, mentor)
1984–1989 Instructor:
Neuroanatomy laboratory, Yale University School of Medicine, Section of
1983–1985 Postdoctoral
fellow: Yale University School of Medicine, Section of Neuroanatomy (P. Rakic,
1982–1983 Assistant
Research Physiologist: University of California, Davis
1982 Instructor:
University of California, Davis
1979–1982 National
Institutes of Health Trainee: University of California, Davis (L.M. Chalupa,
thesis advisor)
1978–1981 Teaching
Assistant and Teaching Associate: Animal Physiology and Psychology, University
of California, Davis
for Neuroscience (Chair, Neuroinformatics Committee, 2003-2008)
Trait Consortium (founder and director, 2001–2008)
Research Society on
Alcoholism (member)
International Society
for Computational Biology (member 2009)
American Society for
Human Genetics (member)
Association for
Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (member)
Behavioural and Neural Genetics Society (member, president 2005)
Mammalian Genome Society (member),
Neurogenetics Initiative (ex-member)
IEEE (ex-member)
and Fellowships
2001–present Principal
Investigator: INIA: Robust Systems
Genetics of Alcohol and Stress Effects on CNS, National Institutes of
Health U01AA13499. TDC ~$1.68 M over last 5 years (02.05.02–01.31.17)
2007–present Principal
Investigator: INIA: Bioinformatics Core, National
Institutes of Health U01AA0016662. TDC ~$750K over last 5 years (02.05.12–01.31.17)
2007–2012 Principal
Investigator: Systems Genetics of the
HPA, National Institutes of Health U01AA017590. TDC ~$875K over 5
years (07.01.07–06.30.12)
2012–present Coinvestigator:
Integrated Approach to Understanding Host-Pathogen Interactions (RFP NIH NIAID
DMID-AI2010100) 5 years at 5% effort (in negotiation, Gerald Byrne UTHSC PI)
funding through 1/31/2019
2011–present Coinvestigator:
BXD Aging Colony. This is a collaboration between RWW and Prof Johan Auwerx
(EPFL Lausanne) to maintain a colony for joint research ($50,000/yr for 2
years, administered through CITG UTHSC
2008–present Director:
State of Tennessee funds for the UT Institute for Integrative and Translational
Genomics. TDC ~$1M (recurring) in 2008 budget year to UTHSC
2011–present Memphis
Research Consortium organizing member, State of Tennessee,, ~$6 million,
non-recurring for Genetics and Epidemiology of Pediatric Obesity
2010–present European
FP7: Human Brain Project Networks of Excellence coinvestigator with Seth Grant
and Henry Markram (funded travel to collaborate on full application). RWW is
Work Package leader on pending full application (April 2012 submission)
2011–2013 Genetics
of Stroke. 1R21NS066166 (PI: Nowak T) NINDS, Role: consultant, collaborator
2009-2011 Coinvestigator:
Neuron-Specific Candidate Gene Expression and Adolescent
Vulnerability to Smoking. 1RC2DA028962 (PI: Sharp B)
09.25.09–9.26.11; 0.50 calendar; NIDA $1,441,300 Role:
2007–2012 Coinvestigator:
Modulators of Retinal Injury, National
Institutes of Health R01 EY017841. TDC ~$1.0 over 5 years (10.01.07–9.31.11)
2005 – 2010 Coinvestigator:
Dispersion Patterns for Retinal
Neuroblasts, National Institutes of Health R01 EY0110871. TDC ~$1.0 over 5
years (07.01.05–06.30.10)
2008–2010 Lead
contract with Eli Lilly and Co, Genes that Influence Diabetic Nephropathy. (DOE
NFE-08-01254, $135K subcontract to UT-Battelle, LLC) (R07-3003-263)
2005–present Coinvestigator,
Mouse Biomedical Informatics Research
Network (BIRN), National Institutes of Health R24 RR021760. National Center
for Research Resources, TDC ~$1.0 M over 5 years (04.01.05–03.31.09)
2006–2008 Principal
Investigator: Huntingtin
Transcriptome Analysis, High Q
Foundation, $466,800 (02-01-06 to 01-31-08)
2004–present Coinvestigator:
Integrative Genetics of Cancer
Susceptibility, NCI 1U01CA105417. TDC $600,000 over 5 years
(04.01.04–03.31.2009, with DW Threadgill)
2000–present Principal
Investigator: Informatics Center for
Mouse Neurogenetics, National Institutes of Health and National Science
Foundation, Human Brain Project 2P20-DA21131, 1P20-MH62009, and IBN-0003982.
TDC ~$5.4 M over 5 years (9.28.00–6.30.10, 32%)
2007–2010 Associated
partner: German Network for Systems
Genetics (GeNeSys). Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research. No funds
2010–present Associated
partner of EU COST program: SYSGENET led by Prof Klaus Schughart (no funds)
2007–2011 Coinvestigator,
subcontract: Gene Array Technology Center
for Alcohol Research (the Rodent Gene Array Program) with Boris Tabakoff,
University of Colorado Medical Center (08.01.07-07-31-11)
2005–2007 Coinvestigator:
Development of Advanced Tools for
Diagnosis and Triaging of Individuals Exposed to Select Pathogens, DOD/US
2005–2010 Coinvestigator:
Dispersion Patterns for Retinal
Neuroblasts, NEI R01EY011087-07A1. (B Reese, PI; RW Williams,
2001–2006 Principal
Investigator: INIA: Genotyping Core, National
Institutes of Health 1U24AA13513. TDC ~$600,000 over 5 years
2004–2007 Consultant:
Conti Center, John Csernanski PI, Jim Cheverud, PI Project 5. Genetics of Schizophrenia-Related Traits in
Mice, Washington University
2007–present Consultant:
Consortium for Neuropsychiatric Phenomics–Coordinating Center (R Bilder
2004–2007 External
Advisory Board: P20 Exploratory
Transdisciplinary Imaging Genetics Center and Function BIRN (Steve Potkin,
PI, University of California, Irvine)
2000–2004 Principal
Investigator: Genetic and Epigenetic
Control of Eye Growth National Institutes of Health R01 EY12991. TDC
$200,00 year 1, $800,000 all years (9.1.00–7.31.04, 30%)
1999–2002 Principal
Investigator: Biometric and Functional
Studies of the Eye and Retina, National Institutes of Health R01 EY13070.
TDC $150,000 year 1, $444,381 all years
(12.01.99–11.30.02, 25%)
2001 Principal
Investigator: High
Resolution QTL Mapping in Mice. NIHLB Mammalian Genotyping Service
(7.1.01). Grant funded 350,000 genotypes.
2001 Collaborator:
Sleep Patterns
During Infectious Disease, NIH NL70522. TDC $225,00 year 1, $1.11M
all years (9.19.01–7.31.05; Linda Toth, PI; no funded effort)
2000–2005 Eye
Domain Coinvestigator: Targeted
Mutagenesis of the Mouse Genome and Neural Phenotypes, NIH U01-MH61971.
TDC, $2,664,000/year (D Goldowitz PI, RW Williams co-PI; funding from
7.1.00–6.30.05, RW 5%)
2000 Principal
Investigator: An Advanced Intercross for
Mapping Multigenic Morphometric Traits in Mice: A Community QTL Mapping
Resource, NIHLB Mammalian Genotyping Service. (1.1.00) Grant funded
~190,000 genotypes.
2002–present Director of the Bioinformatics Module and
co-Principal Investigator: National Institutes of Health. “Vision Center Core” 5
P30 EY13080, TDC $834,700 all years (3.1.00–2.28.05; D Johnson, PI).
2000–present Coinvestigator: National Institutes of
Health. “Histological Phenotyping of the
Mouse Brain” R01 AG18245, DC
$150,000 year 1, $450,000 all years (4.1.00–3.31.03; D Goldowitz, PI, RW
2000–present Coinvestigator: National Institutes of
Health. “Targeted Mutagenesis of the
Mouse Genome and Neural Phenotypes” U01-MH61971, TDC, $2,664,000/year (D.
Goldowitz, PI) (funding from 7.1.00–6.30.05, RW 2%).
2000–present Coinvestigator: National Institutes of
Health. "Genetics of Age-Sensitive
Traits in Mice” P01-AG166699-02S2, TDC, $71,000 supplement (Richard A.
Miller, D. Goldowitz, PIs).
1996–2000 Principal
Investigator: Genetic Control of Neuron
Populations, NIH R01 NS35485. TDC ~$733,000 all years (07.1.96 to 07.31.00,
1987–2000 Principal
Investigator: Growth of Optic Nerve
Fibers, NIH R01 EY06627-10. TDC, $437,500 (12.1.95 to 05.30.00)
1991–1994 Principal
Investigator: Development and Clonal
Structure of the Mammalian Retina, NIH R01 EY 08868–03. TDC $260,518
1991–1992 Principal Investigator: “Canine Model for
Congenital Nystagmus in Humans.” UT Medical Group. $12,500.
1992–1996 Coinvestigator:
Genetic Basis of Retinal Development,
NIH R01 EY09586-03 (Dan Goldowitz, PI). TDC $505,991 (4.1.92 to 3.31.96)
1983-1985 National Research Service Award, National Eye Institute
1982–1983 Coinvestigator: National Institutes of Health. “The
Early Development of the Retinogeniculate System: An Assessment of the Effects
of Fetal Unilateral Enucleation on the Physiology and Morphology of the Retina
and the Dorsal Lateral Geniculate Nucleus.” R01 EY03991.
Awards Loren
D. Carlson Prize in Physiology, 1982–83
Award, Winter Conference on Brain Research, 1987
in Teaching Award, University of Tennessee, 1995
Scientist Award, 2007, International Behavioural and Neural Genetics Society
Mentor Award, 2011, by the UT Postdoctoral Research Association
Gale Lecture: International Plant & Animal Genome Conference 2012
Patents Tissue
Analyzer: Inventors Robert W. Williams, Pasko Rakic, U.S. Patent 4,932,044;
filed November 4, 1988; issued June 5, 1990. See
for ultra-high resolution mapping of genes and determination of genetic
networks among genes underlying phenotypic traits: Inventors David W.
Threadgill (Chapel Hill NC) and Robert W. Williams (Memphis TN), U.S. Patent
Application (EP 1543930) filed December 1, 2000.
for determining sensitivity to environmental toxins and susceptibility to
Parkinson’s disease. Inventors: Richard Smeyne (Memphis TN) and Robert W.
Williams (Memphis TN). U.S. Patent Application (EP Patent 1543930).
Disclosure: P2P-R cooperates with the MAD2, BUB3 and p55CDC/cdc20 mitotic
checkpoint-associated proteins. Inventors: Dr. Robert E. Scott and Robert W.
Williams, Memphis TN

Conferences, CONSORTIA
2012 Coorganizer
with Martien Kas: International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility: Genetics Models of Psychiatric and
Neurological Disease
Summer School “Neurogenetics. Unraveling behavior and brain mechanisms using
modern technologies” Aug 20-25 http://school4.neurobiotech.ru/en/main_en Zvenigorod, Russia
2010 Coorganizer:
Mouse Genetics 2011, Washington DC, June 22-26
Instructor: Aug 14-16: GeNeSys program Helmholtz Foundation, Braunschweig
2009 Coorganizer:
1st world-wide BXD scientific meeting
(The BXD World), Braunschweig, (with
Dr. Klaus Schughart). Nov 30 – Dec 1
INCF Digital Atlasing Taskforce meeting, Pilzen, Czech Republic (Sept 6, and 7)
2008* Organizer,
International Neuroinformatics Congress, Stockholm, Workshop on Neurogenomics Meets Bioinformatics Meets
Neuroinformatics (Sept 27-28)
SfN Task Force on Metadata and Linkage
(with Jack Van Horn and David Van Essen). A follow-up to the PubMed Plus leadership conference
organizer and chiar of Oversight Committee: INCF
Workshop on Mouse and Rat Brain Atlasing Systems. March 5, UCLA
UT-ORNL-UKY Bioinformatics Summit. Mar 28-30, Lake Barkley, KY
2007* Lead
organizer: Consortium for Integrative and
Translational Genomics, first meeting at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory,
Sept 27-28
Terminology workshop leader: Neuroscience Informatics Framework sponsored
workshop held at the SfN 2007 meeting. Jointly organized with Daniel Gardner
organizer: PubMed Plus leadership
conference, sponsored by the SfN, David Van Essen (President), St. Louis, June
organizer: International Neuroscience
Coordinating Facility Workshop on Mouse and Rat Brain Atlasing Systems. Feb
13–14, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm
2006* Multistrain
Mouse Testing Strategy Advisory Working Group, NIEHS, Research Triangle Park,
July 21 (with John Pritchard)
Databasing the Brain,
European Union workshop, Oslo, Norway, June 25–27
Symposium honoring Dr. Lorraine Flaherty, Genomics Institute,
Wadsworth Center, Albany Medical College, Albany, New York, June 19
Keynote Lecture, Endo-Neuro-Psychopharmacology (ENP) annual meeting, Amsterdam,
June 7
Genes Meet Behavior, a joint symposium of the International Behavioral
Neuroscience Society and International Behavioural and Neural
Genetics Society, Whistler, Canada, May 24
* Gordon
Research Conference on Genes and Behavior, Ventura, California, Feb 11–17
* Blueprint
LINC team member, NIH, Bethesda, March 30–31
2005* Human
Brain Project Special Interest Social, presentation, SfN annual meeting,
Washington, Nov 14
Genetics Society, Genetics of Infection, symposium presentation, Braunschweig,
Germany, Sept 22
lecture, 4th Annual Complex Trait Consortium (CTC) meeting, Groningen,
Netherlands, June 27
Models of Human Cancers Consortium Glioblastoma Meeting, St. Louis, June
International Behavioural and Neural Genetics Society annual
meeting, Sitges, Spain, June 9–13
Gene Selection Advisory Meeting, Bethesda, June 7
Q Foundation Meeting on Microarrays and Discovery of Therapeutic Targets for
Huntington’s Disease, New York, May 19
2nd Annual Experimental
Neurogenetics of the Mouse workshop, faculty member, Memphis, May 16–24
Plenary lecture, Data
Sharing in the Age of Discovery Science, Human Brain Project, NIH, Natcher
Center, April 25
Collaborative Cross Organizing Committee meeting, ORNL,
March 24–25
Gordon Research Conference on Quantitative Genetics and
Genomics, Ventura, California, Feb 19–24
Mouse Models of Human Cancers Consortium Committee Meeting,
Vanderbilt, Jan 19–21
1st International Imaging Genetics Conference, UC Irvine,
Jan 17
2004 NIEHS
Toxicogenomics Research Consortium meeting, Chapel Hill, Dec 6–8
Resources Roundtable Conference, The Jackson Laboratory, Nov 19–21
Informatics Research Network (BIRN) Symposium speaker, Boston, Oct 13
3rd Annual Complex Trait Consortium meeting, Bar Harbor, July 6–9
10th International Summer School on Behavioral Neurogenetics, Memphis, August
2003 Lecturer,
NIDA Addiction Studies Workshop for Journalists, Tucson,
Dec 8
Atlas Workshop, NIMH Office of Neuroinformatics, Nov 18
American Society of Human Genetics
symposium speaker, Los Angeles, Nov 5
Oregon Health Science symposium,
Portland, Oct 9
9th International Summer School on Behavioral Neurogenetics, Aug 6–9,
Toulouse, France
Statistics Meeting symposium speaker, San Francisco, Aug 4–6
Initiatives V: Genomics of Complex System in Biomedical Research, July
31–Aug 2, www.jax.org/courses/mi5_03.html
Genetics Association Symposium, Chicago, June 27
2002 National
Cancer Institute: Mouse Models of Human Cancers Consortium Roundtable, Newport
Beach, Dec 11–13
and organizer, 1st Complex Trait Consortium Meeting, Memphis, May 2–4
Spring Brain Conference Plenary Session organizer: Identifying Genes Controlling Brain
Structure and Behavior Using Complex Trait Analysis, Sedona, March
Bioinformatics 2002, Society for
Neuroscience Short Course, Orlando, Nov 2
8th International Summer School on Behavioral Neurogenetics, Worcester, Aug
2001 Chair,
International Complex Trait Consortium, Edinburgh, Scotland, Oct. 23
and organizing committee, 4th Annual Meeting, International Behavioral and
Neural Genetics Society, San Diego, Nov. 8–9
presentation, South-East Regional Meeting of the Society of Developmental
Biology, Montreat NC, May 24
speaker, Neuroinformatics Faces Functional
Genomics symposium: Tools for Collaborative Analysis of Complex
Neurodevelopmental and Behavioral Traits, Natcher Building, Bethesda, May 22
2000 NIAAA-sponsored
QTL meeting, invited speaker, Washington, Dec 1 (organized by Robert Karp)
Brain Project: Neuroinformatics Satellite Symposium, invited participant, New
Orleans, Nov 4 (presentation by GD Rosen)
1999 Co-organizer,
Symposium on QTL Mapping, Behavior Genetics Association, Vancouver, July 1
and sponsor, Molecular Biology/Molecular Genetics of the Visual System, Center
for Vision Research, Memphis, Mar 26
Research Conference in Quantitative Genetics, Ventura, Feb 14–19
1998 Lecturer,
Short Course in Quantitative Neuroanatomy, Society for Neuroscience
American Association of Anatomists, Experimental Biology 98: Symposium on
Quantitative Neurobiology and the Human Brain Project
Chautauqua Short Course for college teachers in neuroscience
Chair, American Association of
Anatomists, Experimental Biology 97: Mini-symposium on Quantitative
1996–2000 Chair,
Mouse Chromosome 7 Committee, International Mammalian Genome Society
1994–1996 Co-chair, Mouse Chromosome 7 Committee, International
Mammalian Genome Society
1996 Co-organizer,
Symposium on Cortical Development, Center for Neuroscience, University of
Tennessee, Memphis, June
1991 Participant,
The Jackson Laboratory, Short Course in Medical and Experimental Mammalian
Genetics, Aug
1989 Organizer,
Winter Brain Conference Workshop, Different
Strategies of Brain Development, Jan (co-organizer Karl Herrup)
1985 Participant,
Gordon Research Conference, Central
Nervous System, Tilton School, New Hampshire, June
1983 Participant,
Molecular Bases of Neuronal Development,
Neuroscience Institute, Salk, La Jolla, Oct
1981 Participant,
NATO Advanced Studies Institute, Formation
of Neuronal Connections, Varenna, Italy, May
Visiting Scientist
2011 Sabbatical
host to Dr. Klaus Schughart (HZI, Braunschweig, Germany) from Feb to May
2011 Host
to Dr. Grant Morahan (U Western Australia) June
2007–2009 Visiting
Professor, University of Utrecht (Prestige MSc Neuroscience Program hosted by
Martien Kas)
2006 University
of California, San Diego, March (Dr. Mark Ellisman)
2000–2002 Advisory
Professor, Fudan University, Shanghai, China
2000–present Collaborator,
with Profs. Tan and Gu, Nantong Medical College, Nantong, China
1997 Harvard
University, Beth Israel Hospital, June (Dr. Glenn Rosen)
1996 California
Institute of Technology, Aug (Drs. John Allman and Scott Fraser)
1993 The
Jackson Laboratory, July (Dr. Muriel Davisson)
Scientific Boards
2008–present Chairman
of the Board and Chief Scientific Officer, Varigenix, Inc., Memphis TN (a
biotech startup with licenses from UTHSC and JAX to commercialize BXD strains
of mice)
2009–present NIAAA
Alcohol Research & Health Advisory Board Member, Editor of special issue on
Genetics of Alcoholism (2012)
2007–present Chair:
Oversight Committee of the INCF Digital Brain Atlasing Program
2006–2007 Scientific
Advisory Board, Institute Clinique de la Souris, Strasbourg, France (Prof.
Johan Auwerx)
2007–present Scientific
Advisory Board, Conte Center: Genes Controlling Assembly and Function of
Serotonin Systems, Randy Blakely and colleagues, Vanderbilt University
2002–2008 NIAAA
INIA-Stress Scientific Advisory Board
2006–present Scientific
Advisory Board, National Center for Microscopy and Imaging Research (NCMIR),
UCSD, Mark Ellisman and colleagues
2006–2008 US
Representative and Advisory Board member, International Neuroinformatics
Coordinating Facility (INCF), Stockholm, Sweden
2004–2009 Scientific
Advisory Board, Portland Alcohol Research Center, VAM (PARC) Portland
2004–2007 External
Advisory Board, Exploratory Transdisciplinary Imaging Genetics Center (Steven
Potkin, PI, UCI)
2001–2007 Genome
Explorations Inc., Memphis
Seminars, Workshops, and Lectures (Incomplete)
INCF Atlasing Workshop, Stockholm, Dec 13-14,
speaker: Swiss Laboratory Animal Sciences Association, Nov 19-20, Zurich
University of Texas San Antonio, Oct 22
Pigment Society, Deer Valley Utah, Sept 20
Bioinformatics and Systems Biology: Short course, Patras Greece, July 3
speaker: Complex Trait Community 11th annual meeting; Multiscalar Analysis & Integration of Phenotypes: Power, Precision,
and Priors, Paris, Jun 15
INCF Canadian Neuroinformatics, Atlases,
Genomes, and Genetics: An International Tool Set to Help Understand Brain
Function: Vancouver Canada, May 24
The Urban Child Institute lecture: March 22
University of Memphis: Bioinformatics seminar series: March 2
UT Board of Trustees Research presentation: Feb 28
speaker (Michael Gale Lecture) at the International Plant & Animal Genome
Conference (San Diego, CA): Systems Genetics: Tools and Techniques to Link
Genomes and Phenomes, Jan 16
Systems Genetics and Systems Neuroscience, University of Tennessee Health
Science Center, Anatomy and Neurobiology, Nov 1
on GeneNetwork: Seth Grant and colleagues: Sanger Institute, UK, Oct 17
Next-Generation sequencing technologies: Medical sequencing approaches for
complex disorders. NIAAA Symposium, Sept 10, Washington DC
Max-Planck Institute, Gottingen, Germany, July 4: Systems level neurogenetics
using isogenic populations of immortal mice: a new collaborative landscape
Systems Biology Summit, Richmond VA, June 16, Genetic Control of Gene Networks
in Complex Traits
BSEC Knoxville TN March 17
Grand Rounds, University of Florida, Tallahassee, Feb 17
University of Memphis, Bioinformatics Seminar, Feb 4
Robust Systems Genetics for Physiologist. Department of Physiology, UTHSC, Jan
Sysgenet presentation on Mouse Reference Populations: Brussels, Belgium, Dec 6
ASHG NIAAA meeting: Tightening the Genotype-Phenotype Gap. Title: Functional
Analysis of Candidate Genes for Alcoholism in Humans, An introduction to
reverse complex trait analysis using rodent reference populations, Washington,
Nov 2
Mouse Development, Genetics & Genomics, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Oct
The Genomics of Common Diseases 2010, Baylor, Oct 6-9
Japan Node Neuroinformatics: Title: Massive Image Collections and Pivot: Sept 2
organizer: GeneNetwork workshop: Braunschweig, Germany, Aug 16-18
speaker: BSEC IEEE Symposium: Neuroinformatics: Building an integrative
framework to study brain function, injury and regeneration. Oak Ridge, May 25
Mouse models for human diseases (CASIMIR--European Commission meeting), London,
May 19, London
A whole genome sequence for DBA/2J and its use in reverse complex trait
analysis. IBANGS Halifax, May 16
Speaker: Next-generation Sequencing and Its
Impact on Bioinformatics. University of Memphis, Bioinformatics Program
seminar, Feb 26
Analysis of Complex Biological
Networks using On-Line Resources. University of
Memphis, Biology Program Seminar Series, Feb 25
Systems genetics of transcription
in brain: Analysis of covariance, causality, and addiction using the
GeneNetwork platform. Gallo Center, UCSF, Nashville, Feb 17
Systems genetics of gene transcription and disease susceptibility: What
Genetic Reference Populations and online databases can do for your research
program. University of Cincinnati, Jan 22
INCF Workshop on Animal Models in Genetics (Stockholm, Dec 13,14)
and speaker: BXD World meeting, Braunschweig, Nov 30-Dec2
It’s the Network Stupid! Serotonin Symposium, Vanderbilt University, Nashville,
Nov 11
and speaker: Workshop: Jump-Starting Genomics in Your Research Program. UTHSC,
Nov 4 and Nov 10
Genetics of Aging: Bandera Conference. UT San Antonio, Nathan Shock Center,
Bandera, Oct 16
Genetics of Neurodevelopmental Disorders: Use of New Mouse Models for
High-Efficiency Translational Research. Children’s Foundation Research Center
seminar, Le Bonheur Hospital, Memphis, Sep 21
Genetics of Nicotine Addiction, Lung Cancer, and COPD. GeneNetwork: a web
resource to study gene function and to evaluate candidate genes from GWAS
studies. 1 hr. web seminar (hosted by J. Pollack), July 27
International Society for Computational Biology, ISMB/ECCB, Highlights Special
Session on eQTL, Stockholm, Sweden, Jun 28
ICNF, Presentation on the Digital Brain Atlasing Program, Karolinska, Sweden,
May 7
EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland, May 1
International Waldenstrom’s Macroglobulinemia Foundation meeting, Memphis,
April 20
Buck Institute for Age Research, Novato, CA, Apr 20
UTHSC Molecular Sciences: A practical
guide to host genetics of infectious disease using mouse reference populations,
Apr 13.
and workshop: University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Dept of Animal Science, Mar 30 -
and consultant: UCLA, Symposium on ultra high throughput biology, Feb 19 - 20
lectures and workshop: University of Utrecht, Rudolf Magnus Institute, Jan 5 -
Departments of Psychiatry and Neurology, VCU, Richmond, Dec 2
NIDA Workforce Development, Philadelphia, Nov 16
Departments of Pharmacology, University of Colorado, Denver, Richmond, Nov 3
GeneSys Inaugural Meeting, Systems genetics of brain function and disease using
the GeneNetwork platform, Edinburg, Oct 1-3
CHDI, High Q Foundation, New York and Princeton Aug 18-19
GeNeSys 2nd Annual Meeting, Dresden Germany, Oct 24-25
and participant: Gordon Research Conference, Oxford UK, Aug 11-15
French-American Workshop on Multi-scale Modeling in Neuroscience, Bordeaux,
June 8-10
Eli Lilly and Co, May 22
Genes, Brain, and Behavior: Symposium on Methodological considerations in the
genetical genomics of complex traits, Portland OR, May 7
Seminar, Northwestern University, Chicago, Apr 14
Seminar and 1 day workshop leader, Dalhousie University, Department of
Psychology. Halifax, Canada, Apr 4–5
Understanding the Brain through
Informatics, INCF @ Karolinska (The Neuroinformatics of Gene Expression:
Collaborative Web Classes and Labs), Washington DC, Mar 7
Université de Lausanne, UNIL-EPFL mini-symposium on mouse resources to map
complex traits (Collaborative
Web Software Systems for Integrative Genomics),
Lausanne, Switzerland, Feb 26
University of Iowa, Department of Human Genetics seminar series, Cedar Rapids,
Feb 19
University of Alabama, Birmingham, Department of Molecular Biology seminar
series (Genetics of Gene Expression in
Brain and Kidney: Problems and Prospects) Feb 15
Mouse Models of Human Cancers Consortium Steering Committee satellite
conference on the Collaborative Cross, Washington DC, Jan 7
11st Annual Meeting of GeneSys, Dresden, Germany, Dec 4–5
New Directions in Data Mining: Synergies
between Databases and Online Journal Publications, Society for Neuroscience
workshop, San Diego, Nov 7
California Nanosystems Institute, UCLA, Sept 18
Riken Brain Science Institute, Tokyo, Japan, Sept 13
Neuro2007 Special Session on International Collaborations in Neuroinformatics (Large Scale Analysis of Gene Expression in the
CNS: A Rapidly Expanding Collaborative Landscape), Yokohama, Japan, Sept 10
speaker: 2nd Annual Department of Genetics Retreat, University of Alabama,
Birmingham, Sept 6
International Neuroscience Coordinating Facility Workshop on Portals in
Neuroinformatics, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden, Sept 3–4
Institute for Systems Biology, Seattle, July 31
Allen Institute for Brain Science, Seattle, July 30
High Q Foundation, New York, July 17–18
Vanderbilt University, Nashville, July 2
SfN PubMed Plus Leadership Conference, Washington University, St. Louis, June
Workshop, Addiction, Microarrays, and
Gene Discovery, May 30-June 1
University of Wageningen, Netherlands, May 24
Investigator award presentation: IBANGS, Doorwerth, Netherlands, May 23
Genetics of Gene Expression in the Mouse
Eye, GSF, Seminars on Genome Research, Institute for the Environment and
Health, Munich, Germany, May 15
lecture: 5th Annual Dean’s Symposium, UTHSC College of Medicine, (Personalized, Predictive and Preventive
Health Care: How the Mouse Will Make It Happen), April 13
UT-UK-ORNL Bioinformatics Summit, Paris Landing, TN, April 13–15
Institute, keynote seminar, Feb 15
1st International Neuroscience Coordinating Facility Workshop on Mouse and Rat
Brain Digital Atlasing Systems, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden, Feb
Florida, seminar series presentation, Jupiter, Florida, Jan 9
Society for Scholarly Publishing: Washington DC, Nov 13
presentation: Application of Pharmacogenomics to Drug Development and Therapy,
14th ISSX Meeting, Puerto Rico, Short Course presentation, Oct 22
IIIe cycle, Lausanne Genome Day, Lausanne, Switzerland, Oct 4–5
Unveiling Genome-Wide DNA Variation in 15 Diverse Mouse Strains: NIEHS, Sept 26
West Virginia University Eye Institute, seminar, Sept 20
Route 28 Meeting Adult Neurogenesis Course, Fraueninsel, Germany, Sept
Plant Genome Short Course, Boston, Aug 1–3
Eli Lilly Integrative Biology Research Group, Lectures, Indianapolis, June
Workshop on Systems Genetics, University of Utrecht, Netherlands, June 6
ARVO mini symposium, Ft. Lauderdale, May 3
UT-UK-ORNL Bioinformatics Summit, Lake Barkley KY, April 22
Speaker: Society for Neuroscience Chapter lecture, University of
Mississippi Medical Center, April 11
Speaker: SERCEB Infectious Disease Meeting, New York City, March
Cold Spring Harbor, Systems Biology lecture, March 25
Illumina Corp, La Jolla, March 15
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, weekly seminar, Feb 24
UCSB Engineering, seminar in imaging and genetics, Santa Barbara, Feb 14
of Texas at Austin, Department of Neurobiology, Nov 28
of Colorado, Boulder, Institute for Behavior Genetics, Oct 14
University, Wellcome Trust, July 1
Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain, June 8
Annual Meeting seminar, Chapel Hill, May 5
Seminar: Systems Genetics, Research Triangle Park, May 2
MC Memphis Seminar, March 11
Pathogenesis Center Chalk talk, March 2
Molecular Anatomy: Synergy by Informatics 2, Feb 15
Department of Pharmacology, Genetic Modulation of Transcripts, Cells, and
Behavior: Or, How I learned to stop worrying and love complexity, Feb 9
Jude Children’s Hospital Danny Thomas Lecture Series: Genetic Variation in
Transcriptional Activity, Jan 7
University: Seminar in Integrative Genomics, Nov 30
of Neuroscience, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, Aug 27
Universiteit, Department of Stem Cell Biology, Aug 26
28 Conference, Fraueninsel, Germany, Aug 23
National Academy of Science, Prague, Aug 20
Illkirch, France, Aug 18
Neurocolloquium, Germany, May 27
Braunschweig, Germany, May 25
Berlin-Buch, Germany, May 24
of Kentucky, Lexington, April
Harvard, Feb 25
University, Department of Genetics, Dec 16
of Chicago, Committee on Genetics, Dec 2
of Neuroscience, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Oct 22
Kline Institute, New York, Oct 17
lecture: 9th international summer school on behavioral
neurogenetics, Toulouse, Aug 5
Initiatives V meeting, Jackson Laboratory, Aug 1
University, June 19
Brain Project, Bethesda, Natcher Center, http://videocast.nih.gov/ram/brain051203.ram May 12
State University, Genomics Spring Fever: Complex Genetics of Brain and
Behavior, May 2, 3
Center, Albany, New York, Feb 2003
Jude Children’s Research Hospital: Dissecting Transcriptional Networks
(Affymetrix Memphis User Group Meeting), Feb 6
University of Toronto, Mt. Sinai
Hospital, Feb 4
Wake Forest University, Drug Addiction
Workshop for Journalists, Tucson, Dec
Department of Physiology, University of California, Davis,
University of Memphis, Sept 13
Wilmer Eye Institute, Johns Hopkins University, The Complex
Genetics of Eye and Brain Development: Gene Network Analysis Using Microarrays,
Aug 29
University of Tübingen, Neurobiology of
Vision, Germany, July 9–10
King’s College, London, July 7
University of Alabama, Section of
Statistical Genetics, June 17
New England College of Optometry,
Boston, Apr 25
Southern Illinois University, School of
Medicine, Mar 15
University of Tennessee Health
Science Center, Grand Rounds in Pediatrics, Mar 13
Neuroinformatics, 35th Annual Winter
Conference on Brain Research, Jan 27
New Mouse Behavioral Phenotyping
Assays: Half Moon Bay CA, Dec
Society for Developmental
Biology, Southeast Regional Meeting, Workshop presentation, May
Human Brain Project Conference,
NIH, Natcher Center, May
Cornell University, Departments
of Psychology and Neuroscience, Apr
Stanford University, Apr 12
University of Alabama,
Birmingham, Department of Medicine, Mar 21
MCP-Hahneman, Department of
Neuroscience, Mar 14
UCLA, Neuroscience Grand Rounds,
Feb 7
Shanghai Medical University
(Fudan), Department of Histology and Embryology, Nov
Beijing Medical University,
Department of Histology and Embryology, Nov
Nantong Medical College,
Neuroscience Institute, Nov
University of North Carolina,
Chapel Hill, Department of Genetics, Oct 23
University of Tennessee,
Biomedical Engineering Joint Program, Sept 14
Cold Spring Harbor, Banbury
Center, August 28
UCSB Neuroscience Research
Institute, Quantitative Genetics of CNS Development: View from the Trailhead,
Santa Barbara, May 26
State University of New York at
Buffalo, Roswell Park Cancer Institute, May 8
1999 and earlier
Drexel University, Department of
Biomedical Engineering, Nov 2, 1999
University of
Michigan, Department of Genetics, Oct 5, 1999
Vanderbilt University, Vision
Research Center: The genetics of brain evolution, Nashville, May 7, 1999
UCSB Neuroscience Research
Institute, Santa Barbara, Feb 16, 1999
Case Western Reserve University,
Department of Neurosciences, Cleveland, Jan 21, 1999
VA Medical Center, New Power of
Forward Genetics: Analysis of Polygenic Traits that Control Disease and
Development, Memphis, Nov 20, 1998
Case Western Reserve University,
Depts. of Ophthalmology and Genetics, Cleveland, Nov 18, 1998
Yale University, Department of
Neuroanatomy, New Haven, July 1998
University of Southern
California, Department of Anatomy &
Neurobiology, June 1998
UCSD Department of Neuroscience,
San Diego, June 1998
Pasteur Institute, Paris, France,
Oct 1997
Mount Sinai Medical School,
Department of Neuroscience, New York, NY, June 1997
Harvard University, Beth Israel
Deaconess, Department of Neurology, June 1997
California Institute of
Technology, Pasadena, Nov. 1995
Conference on Brain Evolution,
Ithaca, New York, June 1995
National Cancer Institute (Steve
O'Brien), Frederick, Maryland, June 9, 1995
The Jackson
Lab Bioinformatics Group, Bar Harbor Maine, July 1993
25th Annual Meeting of the
Biomedical Engineering Society, Memphis, Oct 24, 1993
University of Utah, Department of
Biology, Salt Lake City, Jan. 1989
Winter Conference for Brain
Research, Snowbird, Utah, Jan. 1989
University of Texas, Houston,
Department of Neurobiology and Anatomy, Dec 1988
SUNY, Stony
Brook, Department of Neurobiology, Oct 1988
Conference for Brain Research, Vail, Colorado, Jan 1987
Conference on the Development of
the Vertebrate Retina, Ithaca, New York, June 1987
New York University, Department
of Physiology and Neuroscience, New York, Oct 1986
University of Rochester, Center
for Visual Sciences, Rochester, New York, Apr 1986
Rush-Presbyterian-St. Luke's
Medical Center, Chicago, Nov 1986
University of
California, Davis, Department of Psychology, June 1985
Stanford University, Department
of Neurobiology, June 1985
SUNY Department of Biological
Sciences, Albany, New York, Jan 1984
Anatomy and Embryology, Behavior
Genetics, Brain Behavior and Evolution, Behavioral Brain Sciences, Cerebral
Cortex, Current Biology, Developmental Biology, European Journal of
Neuroscience, Experimental Eye Research, Gene Expression Patterns, Genesis,
Genomics, Investigative Ophthalmology and Vision Science, Journal of
Comparative Neurology, Journal of Heredity, Journal of Neurobiology, Journal of
Neurochemistry, Journal of Neurophysiology, Journal of Neuroscience, Journal of
Neuroscience Methods, Molecular Vision, Nature Genetics, Neuroscience,
Optometry and Vision Research, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science,
Science, Visual Neuroscience, Vision Research
2008–present Editor-in-Chief:
Frontiers in Neurogenomics
2012–2016 Editorial
board: Mammalian Genome
20010–2011 Editor:
Special Issue on the Genetics and Alcoholism: Alcohol Research Current Reviews
2007–2010 Editorial
advisory board: Alcohol Research &
Health (NIAAA)
2007–present Associate
editor: Frontiers in Neuroinformatics
(CRC Press)
2005–2008 Member:
Executive Committee of the Collaborative Cross
2006–2008 NeuroCommons
Working Group (Science Commons, Creative Commons); chaired by John Wilbanks
2006–2008 US
Representative and member of the Executive Committee of the International
Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility (INCF, Stockholm)
2006–2008 Advisory
board member of the NIH Blueprint Neuroinformatic Framework group (PI Dan
2004–2005 President:
International Behavioural and Neural Genetics Society (executive committee from
2004–2010 Chair
(2004-2008) and member: Neuroinformatics Committee, Society for Neuroscience
2004–2005 Member:
International Mouse Resource Centers Roundtable
2004–2009 Elected
Member: International Committee on Standardized Genetic Nomenclature for Mice
2003–2005 Member:
Committee on Animals in Research, Society for Neuroscience
2004–2005 Member:
Science Educator Award Selection Committee, SfN
2006–present Journal of Biomedical Discovery and
Collaboration (www.j-biomed-discovery.com)
2005-present Alcohol: editorial board member
2002–present Genes, Brain & Behavior: editorial
board member
2002–present Neuroinformatics: editorial board member
2002 Gene Expression Patterns: board member
2001–present BioMed Central Neuroscience: core
reviewer board member www.biomedcentral.com/info/biologyeditorial.asp
2001–present Behavior Genetics: editorial board
2000 Behavior Genetics: guest editor
1995–present Molecular Vision: board member
1993–present European Journal of Anatomy: board
2011-2012 Member,
NIDA P30 Centers of Excellence review panel ZDA1 EXL-T (03) 1
2008–2010 Chair,
Molecular Neurogenetics (MNG) Study Section
2009 Review
for NWO: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (TOP-Chemistry in
relation to biological and medical sciences 2008)
2007* Chair,
MDCN-K(51) Special Emphasis Panel, NIH IRG: Neuroinformatics and Neuroimaging,
July 18–19
2007* Special
Emphasis, NIH IRG: Conte Center: ZMH1-ERB-S-03, Feb 26
2006* Review
Member, NIH IRG: Neuroinformatics and Neuroimaging: ZRG1 MDCN-K51 S, June 21
2005* ZRG1
MDCN-K (92), Neurogenetics
2004* Chair
NIH ZRG1 IDM-K (04) Genetics of Viral Pathogenesis, Mar 15
2004–2005* Chair
and member NIH MDCN-G (55) Human Brain Project
2004* American
Institute of Biological Sciences: Disease Prevention & Epidemiology review
panel, USAMRMC
2003* MRC
Program Review, July 2003
2002* BISTI
SS-E(51) and Human Brain Project SS-E(95), Oct 22–25
2002* MCDN
Special Review panel ZRG1 SSS-P 09 S, Sept 6
2002* NEI
Special Review panel ZEY1 VSN 06 R, Aug
2002* Science
Foundation Ireland reviewer, July
2002* NIH
Mammalian Genetics IRG, June 2002
2002–2004* Mammalian
Genotyping Advisory Panel, Apr 2002, 2003, 2004
2002* NIH
Special Review, Feb 8
2001* NIH
Innovations in Biomedical Science Tech ZRG1 SSS-7 21B, Nov 6
2001* NIH
BISTI Panel Reviewer ZRG1 SSS-E01, July 1, Nov
2001* NIH
CSR Reviewer ZRG1FCN-3 01 BISTI, July 19
2001* NIH
Special Emphasis Panel ZRG1 SSS-R (02), July 2
2001* NIEHS
Review Panel (Inbred Rodents) ES-01-05, June 29
2001* Medical
Research Council (UK) Strategic Grants Reviewer
2000* Fonds
voor Weterschappelijk Onderzoek - Vlaanderen (Belgian NIH)
2000* NIH
VISB Study Section Ad Hoc Member, June
2000* NIMH
Special Emphasis Panel Reviewer (Gene Array RFA MH-00-002, July
2000* UT
System-wide Advisory Panel: Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Review, July
1999* NIH
VISC Study Section Ad Hoc Member, Feb
1999* NIMH
Center Grant Reviewer
1999* NIMH
Special Emphasis Panel Reviewer ZMH1 BRB-I
1998* Department
of Veterans Affairs: Merit Review Consultant
1995* Consultant
to NIH VIS-B Study Section
2011-2012 UTHSC
Pathology residents lecture
2010 GeNeSys
workshop on systems genetics. HZI Braunschweig, Germany (14 student
participants): 16 contact hours. Aug 16–18.
2008–present UTHSC,
Behavioral Neuroscience (ANAT 821), graduate student seminar in neurogenetics
2007–present UTHSC,
Bioinformatics Special Topics Course (Biochem 920), graduate student seminar in
2011–present UTHSC,
Next Generation Sequence User’s Group: monthly 3 hour informal training and
seminar series on genomics (sponsored by the CITG and RW Williams)
2007–present University
of Memphis, Research Seminars in Bioinformatics (BINF 7980). Four 90-minute
lectures (Feb and March)
2006* The
Jackson Laboratory: Short Course in Vision Research
Plant Microarray Short Course, instructor, Boston, Aug 1–3
Annual Experimental Neurogenetics of the Mouse workshop, Memphis, May
Spring Harbor, Systems Biology Short Course, March 23
2004–2006 Faculty,
Annual Experimental Neurogenetics of the Mouse Workshop, 15–20
students/year (8-day short course at UTHSC and the University of Memphis)
2005 Course
director: NIEHS Short Course on Systems Genetics (offered twice) at NIEHS main
campus, Sept 7–8
2005–present NS
825: Graduate School, Developmental and Molecular Neurobiology lecturer (fall)
2005–present NS212:
School of Medicine, Neuroscience lecturer (fall)
2005* Society
for Neuroscience, Meet the Expert Series leader, Microarray analysis, SfN
annual meeting, Washington, Nov 12
City Schools Middle/Secondary Science In-Service Session 15: The Human Genome,
August 11 (2 sessions)
2001–present Course
member and co-director: International Summer School in Behavioral Neurogenetics
(Behavioral Neurogenetics Initiative). Annual course (one week, 15 to 30 grad
and postdoctoral students/year)
2001–2003 Course
co-director: Neuroscience Seminar Series (NS8): a graduate level course,
15–20 contact hours, ~15 students/year.
1992–2003 Course
director: Morphological Neuroscience (NS822): a graduate level course, ~40
contact hours, ~ 8 students/year.
2003–2004 Lecturer:
Comparative Medicine CM712, UTHSC: Mouse Genetics (graduate level)
2003–present Lecturer:
Bioinformatics, University of Memphis (graduate level)
2000–2002 Lecturer
and Lab: Medical Neuroanatomy (M): ~20 contact hours, Lectures in CNS
development. 150 students/year.
2002–2003 Short
Course director: Society of Neuroscience, Bioinformatics
2003 Course
co-director: Memphis Microarray Short Course, June 4–12
2002* Lecturer:
NIDA Addiction Studies Workshop for Journalists, Tucson, Dec 8
2002* Short
Course director: UAB Birmingham:
Design and Analysis of Recombinant Inbred Strain Experiments, all day course,
June 18
1998* Course
Lecturer: Short Course in Quantitative Neuroanatomy, Society for Neuroscience,
Los Angeles
1994–1996* Course
director: Seminars in Neuroscience (NS821): Graduate level. 40 contact hours,
10 to 15 students per year
1995* SGAEC
Excellence in Teaching Award, University of Tennessee (for NS822)
1995* Short
Course in Genetic Testing: Memphis city schools service training for science
high school teachers. 15 high school science teachers.
1994–1995* Human
and Mouse Genetics: City Labs program for high school science teachers. 10 to
12 high school science teachers.
1990–1996* Medical
Embryology, University of Tennessee, 8 lectures on development of
cardiovascular, urogenital, and gastrointestinal systems. 8 lecture hours, ~120 first-year medical students.
1983–1989* Neuroscience-Neuroanatomy
laboratory instructor, Yale University. Team-taught first-year medical
students, roughly 20 contact hours, 25 students per lab.
1982* Course
Director: Sensory Psychology, University of California, Davis. 25 junior and
senior psychology majors.
2001 – 2011 Founding
Director: Complex Trait Community
2010 – 2012 Memphis
Research Consortium: Task force member
2007 – present Scientific
Director: Center for Integrative and Translational Genomics, UTHSC
2000 – 2008 Director
(2007-2008) and codirector: UT Center of Excellence in Genomics and
2011–2012 Member:
Search Committee: Statistical Genetics, UTHSC Preventive Med
2010 – 2011 Member:
Search Committee; Executive Dean of UTHSC
2010 – 2011 Member:
Search Committee; Vice Chancellor for Research. UTHSC
2003 – 2009 Member:
Health Science Center Information Technology Committee
2004 – present Member:
Biomedical Informatics Research Network (Mouse BIRN)
2001 – present The
Center for Vision Research, UTHSC
2005 – 2006 Member:
Search Committee; Executive Dean of UT Medical Colleges
2002 University
of Tennessee Research Foundation Task Force Subcommittee (T. Ballard, chair)
2001 – 2002 Section
Coordinator for the Visual and Auditory Systems research section, Center for
Neuroscience, UTHSC
2002 – 2004 Member:
Computing and Telecommunications Committee of the UTHSC Faculty Senate (C.
Russell, chair). Chair: Research Computing subcommittee, UTHSC
1999 – present Tennessee
Mouse Genome Consortium, Scientific Steering Committee
1999 – 2001 Member:
Promotion and Tenure Committee, Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology, UTHSC
1999 – present Scientific
Advisory Board: Tennessee Mouse Genome Consortium
1998 Chair:
Promotion and Tenure Committee, Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology, UTHSC
1998 – present Member:
Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology Space and Research Committee, UTHSC
1997 – present Member:
Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology Advisory Council, UTHSC
1997 – present Member:
Graduate Health Sciences Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Advisory Committee,
1997 – 1999 Member:
Center for Neuroscience: Graduate Student Recruitment Committee, UTHSC
1990 – 1997 Member:
University of Tennessee, Graduate Health Science School, Policy Subcommittee
1995 – 1997 Member:
University of Tennessee, Graduate Health Science School, Graduate Studies
1990 – 1994 Member,
University of Tennessee library committee member
1990 – 1996 Member:
Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology: Graduate student admissions and policy
Graduate Students, Postdoctoral Fellows, ADVISEEs
Nourtan Abdeltawab Ph.D.
in 2010 (Molecular Biology with Malak Kotb)
Adrienne Adler 2011-2012:
Now M.D. Ph.D. student at Wake Forest University
Vida Abedi MS.
In 2011 Engineering (with Mohammed Yeasin, U of Memphis)
Megan Mulligan, Ph.D. Postdoctoral fellow (May 2009
– present)
Khyobeni Mozhui Ph.D.
in 2009 (Now a postdoctoral fellow with RWW)
Vida Abedi M.S.,
April 2011, Department of Electrical Engineering, U Memphis
Daniel Ciobanu, Ph.D. Postdoctoral fellow with RWW
from 2007–Jan 2009. Now Assistant Professor, University of Nebraska,
Collin Hovinga, Pharm.D. K12 CTSI-sponsored research
mentor. Collin is Director of Research at PSS/Dell Children’s Hospital, Austin
Jasgit (Jesse) C. Sachdev M.D. K12
CTSI-sponsored research mentor. Jesse is an assistant professor in the
Department of Medicine at UTHSC (2008-2010)
John A. Capra, Ph.D. Undergraduate
bioinformatics summer student. Ph.D. Princeton 2008, Now postdoctoral fellow,
Gladstone UCSF
Manjunatha N. Jagalur Ph.D. candidate, computer
science. Primary mentor is Dr. David Kulp at University of Massachusetts,
Amherst. My role is as a joint Ph.D. advisor.
Richelle C. Strom Ph.D.
in 1999, University of Tennessee. Postdoctoral Fellow with Prof. Ruben Adler,
Johns Hopkins University
Dennis S. Rice Ph.D.
in 1996, University of Tennessee. Director of Ophthalmology at Lexicon
Pharmaceuticals, The Woodlands, TX
Dale Hogan, Ph.D. NRSA
NEI Postdoctoral fellow, 1992–1996; Research Associate with Mark Opp,
Department of Psychiatry and Behavior, University of Texas Medical Branch,
Guomin Zhou, M.D., Ph.D. Research fellow, 1997–1999;
Chairman and Professor of Histology and Embryology, Fudan University, Shanghai,
Lu Lu, M.D. Research
fellow, 1999–2001; Associate Professor, UTHSC; Professor in Histology and
Embryology, Medical University of Nantong, China
David C. Airey, Ph.D. NRSA, NEI
Postdoctoral fellow, April 1999–July 2001; Assistant Professor,
Vanderbilt University
Elissa J. Chesler, Ph.D. Research
fellow, July 2002–2005; Assistant Professor, The Jackson Laboratory
Jeremy Peirce, Ph.D. Research fellow,
June 2003–2006; staff scientist at Illumina Inc. Author of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
(2008) by Chelsea House Publishers
Anand Kulkarni, M.D. Research fellow,
Nov 1999–Nov 2000; pathologist, UTHSC
Siming Shou, Ph.D. Postdoctoral
fellow, September 2001–2002
E. Gilissen, Ph.D. Postdoctoral
fellow (1996–1997, with John Allman at Caltech); faculty Ph.D. of
paleontology, University of the Witwassersrand, South Africa
Kathryn Ryder M.D.
Dissertation, Yale University School of Medicine, 1987; associate professor,
Department of Medicine, UTHSC
Michael Borodkin M.D.
dissertation, Yale University School of Medicine, 1989
and M.S. Committees (Mentored by RWW unless noted)
Chintalapudi Ph.D.
candidate, UTHSC (mentored by Monica Jablonski)
Neha Mehta Ph.D.
candidate, Northwestern University, 2012–present (mentored by E. Redei)
Pandey Ph.D.
candidate, UTHSC (2011–present)
Felecia D.
Emery Ph.D.
candidate, UTHSC (2011–present, mentored by Mark Miller)
Suresh Kannan Ph.D.
candidate, Univ Dresden, 2012–present (mentored by G. Kempermann)
Mozhui Ph.D.
in Neuroscience, UTHSC, May 2009
Rick Laughlin Ph.D.
candidate, UCLA 2008
Adeltawab Ph.D.
candidate, UTHSC 2008
C. J. Jeon Ph.D.
in Neuroscience, UTHSC 1992
Angela R. Howe Ph.D.
in Neuroscience, UTHSC 1994
Vandana Menon Ph.D.
in Physiology, UTHSC 1996
Qing Tang Ph.D.
in Anatomy and Neurobiology, UTHSC June 1996
Loren Martin Ph.D.
in Anatomy and Neurobiology, UTHSC Nov 2000
Toya H. Kimble Ph.D.
in Anatomy and Neurobiology, UTHSC Jan 2003
Vázquez-Chona Ph.D.
in Anatomy and Neurobiology, UTHSC 2006
Kathryn Ryder, M.D. M.S.
in Epidemiology, UTHSC 2002
A. Iannaccone, M.D. M.S.
in Epidemiology, UTHSC 2002
substantial number of these papers are available online at www.nervenet.org.
1. Williams RW, Chalupa LM (1982) Prenatal
development of retinocollicular projections in the cat: An anterograde tracer
transport study. Journal of
Neuroscience 2:604–622
Revised and updated text at <http://nervenet.org/papers/SC1982.html>.
2. Stone, J, Rapaport DH, Williams RW,
Chalupa LM (1982) Uniformity of cell distribution in the ganglion cell layer of
prenatal cat retina: Implications for mechanisms of retinal development. Developmental Brain Research 2: 231–242
3. Williams RW, Bastiani MJ, Chalupa LM
(1983) Loss of axons in the cat optic nerve following fetal unilateral
enucleation: An electron microscopic analysis. Journal of Neuroscience 3: 133–144
4. Williams RW, Chalupa LM (1983) An
analysis of axon caliber within the optic nerve of the cat: Evidence of size
groupings and regional organization. Journal of Neuroscience 3: 1554–1564
5. Williams RW, Chalupa LM (1983)
Development of the retinal pathway to the pretectum of the cat. Neuroscience 10: 1249–1267
6. Chalupa LM, Williams RW, Hughes MJ (1983)
Visual properties of neurons in the tectorecipient zone of the cat’s lateral
posterior-pulvinar complex: A comparison with the superior colliculus. Journal of Neuroscience 3: 2587–2596
7. Chalupa, LM, Williams RW (1984)
Organization of the cat’s lateral geniculate nucleus following interruption of
prenatal binocular competition. Human Neurobiology 3: 103–107
8. Chalupa LM, Williams RW, Henderson Z
(1984) Binocular interaction in the fetal cat regulates the size of the
ganglion cell population. Neuroscience
12: 1139–1146 <nervenet.org/papers/SC1982.html>
9. Williams RW, Rakic P (1985) Dispersion of
growing axons within the optic nerve of the embryonic monkey. Proceedings of the National Academy
of Science USA 82:
3906–3910 <nervenet.org/papers/dispersion85.html>
10. Williams RW, Crabtree, JW, Chalupa LM,
Spear PD, Kornguth SE (1985) Selectivity of antibody-mediated destruction of
retinal ganglion cell axons. Brain
Research 336: 57–66
11. Williams RW, Bastiani MJ, Lia B, Chalupa
LM (1986) Growth cones, dying axons, and developmental fluctuations in the
fiber population of the cat’s optic nerve.
Journal of Comparative Neurology 246: 32–69 <nervenet.org/papers/Cat86.html>.
12. Lia B, Williams RW, Chalupa LM (1986)
Does axonal branching contribute to the overproduction of optic nerve fibers
during early development of the cat’s visual system. Developmental Brain Research 25:296–301
13. Lia B, Williams RW, Chalupa LM (1987)
Formation of retinal ganglion cell topography during prenatal development. Science
14. Williams RW, Rakic P (1988) Elimination
of neurons from the lateral geniculate nucleus of rhesus monkeys during
development. Journal of Comparative Neurology 272:424–436 <nervenet.org/papers/RHESUS_LGN.html>
15. Williams RW, Rakic P (1988) Three-dimensional
counting: An accurate and direct method to estimate cell numbers in sectioned
material. Journal of Comparative
Neurology 278:344–352 <nervenet.org/papers/3DCounting.html>
16. Wikler KC, Williams RW, Rakic P (1990)
Photoreceptor mosaic: Number and distribution of rods and cones in the rhesus
monkey retina. Journal of Comparative Neurology:297:499–508
Williams RW, Borodkin M, Rakic P (1991)
Growth cone distribution patterns in the optic nerve of fetal monkeys:
Implications for mechanisms of axonal guidance. Journal of Neuroscience 11: 1081–1094 <nervenet.org/papers/GC91.html>
18. Rakic, P., Suñer I, Williams RW (1991) A
novel cytoarchitectonic area induced experimentally within the primate visual
cortex. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA 88: 2083–2087
19. Williams RW
(1991) The human retina has a cone-enriched rim. Visual Neuroscience 6:403–406
20. Williams RW,
Goldowitz D (1992) Structure of clonal and polyclonal cell arrays in chimeric
mouse retina. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA 89:
1184–1188 (PMC48413)
21. Williams RW, Cavada
C, Reinoso-Suárez F (1993) Rapid evolution of the visual system: A cellular
assay of the retina and dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus of the Spanish
wildcat and the domestic cat. Journal of Neuroscience 13:208–228 <nervenet.org /papers/wildcat.html>
22. Williams RW, Hogan
D, Garraghty PE (1994) Target recognition and visual maps in the thalamus of
achiasmatic mutant dogs. Nature
367:637–639; and see New and Views article by R.W. Guillery, Nature
367:597–598 <nervenet.org/papers/DOGLGNNature.html>
23. Williams RW (1994) The
Portable Dictionary of the Mouse Genome: A personal database for gene mapping
and molecular biology. Mammalian Genome 5:372-375. See <nervenet.org/main/dictionary.html>.
This short paper’s main claim to fame is that it is the earliest publication in
PubMed to list a web site URL (“http://”) in the abstract.
24. Brilliant MB,
Williams RW, Conti C, Angel J, Holdener BC (1994) Mouse chromosome 7. Mammalian
Genome 5: S104–S123
25. Dell'Osso LF,
Williams RW (1995) Ocular motor abnormalities in achiasmatic mutant Belgian
sheepdogs: Unyoked eye movements in a mammal. Vision Research: 35:109–116
26. Scheetz AJ,
Williams RW, Dubin MW (1995) Severity of ganglion cell death during early
postnatal development is modulated by neuronal activity and binocular
competition. Visual Neuroscience 12:605–610
27. Hogan D, Williams
RW (1995) Analysis of the retinas and optic nerves of achiasmatic Belgian
sheepdogs. Journal of Comparative Neurology: 352:367–380
28. Rice DS, Williams
RW, Goldowitz D (1995) Genetic control of retinal projections in inbred strains
of albino mice. Journal of Comparative Neurology 354: 459–469
29. Rice DS, Williams
RW, Harris B, Bailey PW, Davisson MT, Goldowitz D (1995) Mapping the Bst mutation on mouse Chromosome 16: A
model for human optic atrophy. Mammalian Genome 6:546–548 <nervenet.org/papers/Bst2.html>
30. Hogan D, Garraghty
PE, Williams RW (1996) Lamination and visual topography in the lateral
geniculate nucleus of normal and achiasmatic dogs. European Journal of
Anatomy 1:3–11
31. Ezer AD, Williams
RW, Goldowitz D (1996) Arbitrary primer PCR of dog DNA with estimates of
average heterozygosity. Journal of Heredity 87:450–455
32. Goldowitz D, Rice
DS, Williams RW (1996) Clonal architecture of the mouse retina. Progress in
Brain Research 108: 2–15
33. Brilliant MH,
Williams RW, Holdener BC, Angel JM (1996) Mouse chromosome 7. Mammalian
Genome 6: S135–S150
34. Hamvas R,
Trachtulec Z, Forejt J, Williams RW, Artzt K, Fischer-Lindahl K., Silver
LM (1996) Mouse chromosome 17. Mammalian
Genome 6: S281–S299
35. Williams RW, Strom
RC, Rice DS, Goldowitz D (1996) Genetic
and environmental control of retinal ganglion cell number in mice. Journal
of Neuroscience 16:
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Williams RW (2012) Genetic and genomic web resources for research on alcohol use and abuse. Alcohol
Research, Current Reviews 34: 378–380 in press.
Williams RW, Norohna A (2012) A
watershed year for an update on the genetics of alcoholism. Alcohol Research,
Current Reviews 34:263
Mozhui K,
Williams RW (2012) Multidimentional databases of model organisms. In OMICs
in Neuroscience, G Coppola, ed., in press
Williams RW, Mulligan MK (2012)
Genetic and molecular network analysis of behavior. International Review
of Neurobiology: Bioinformatics of Behavior, M Haendel, EJ. Chesler.
Research Web Sites
www.genenetwork.org, GeneNetwork (GN) and WebQTL were created by Manly KF, JT Wang, and RW Williams in
2001, initially as part of a Human Brain Project. GN and a number of
specialized code modules (GenomeGraph, SNP Browser, QTL Reaper) are being
developed by RW Williams and colleagues (2001-present). GeneNetwork is a major
genomics resource site that receives ~12,000 hits per day and ~ 1200 hosts per
week (see http://www.genenetwork.org/webqtllog/). GN has reciprocal links with UCSC’s Genome Browser, NCBI, The
Allen Brain Atlas, NEIBank, and The BIRN MBAT project. A full mirror site of GN
is maintained at the Helmholtz Zentrum für Infektionsforschung in Germany
(http://genesys.helmholtz-hzi.de/search.html). Approximately 30 publications
referenced GeneNetwork and WebQTL in 2007 (see
www.nervenet.org. Nervenet was initiated by RW Williams,
January 1994. It is one of the oldest neuroscience web sites and now serves as
the Williams lab portal. It predecessor, mickey.utmem.edu originally housed the
Portable Dictionary of the Mouse Genome. The earliest “http” reference in a
PubMed abstract is associated with this portal: see http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8043953
www.mbl.org. The Mouse Brain Library was initiated by Williams RW, Rosen GD, Williams, A.G., May 1997.
The Mouse Brain Library and the Internet Atlas of the Mouse Brain have been in
continuous operation since May 1997. This is a growing and well-used Internet
database with histological image data for over 2000 mouse brains imaged at low,
intermediate, and high resolution. It includes several stereotaxic atlases of
the brains of mice. The MBL was included in ISI Current Web Contents (CC
Connect TM) starting in Jan 2001. The site was reviewed by Kaiser J (2000) in
Science. Mouse Brain Library: Netwatch
Images selection. Science 289:211.
www.complextrait.org. The main web site for the Complex
Trait Consortium. Founded in 2002 by RW Williams and colleagues. The site
is housed in the Williams lab.
www.ibangs.org. The main web site for the International
Behavioural and Neural Genetics Society. This site was initiated by Dr. Wim
Crucio. It was rebuilt most recently by Arthur Centeno and RW Williams. The
site is housed in the Williams lab.
6. <iscope.nervenet.org>
Initiated by Williams RW, Cruz B, Connolly M; Capra JA (1999) iScope. A
software suite for telemicroscopy. <www.mbl.org
> Aug 1999–2005. As of 2006, this project and web site has been
News and Coverage
New York
Times. Blakeslee S (1993) Evolution of tabby cat mapped in brain study. Tuesday January 12, Section B5.
Il Corriere
Della Sera (Milan newspaper).
Simion L (1993) Al micio si e rimpicciolito il cervello. Jan 31 issue.
Magazine. Oliwenstein L (1993, May issue) Brain Donors. Discover 14:18. Rennie, J. (1993) Kittty, we shrunk your
brain. Scientific American 268:29.
Nature. Guillery RW (1994) No crossing at the
crossing. A New and Views article. Nature
367:597–598 (This review considers a paper by Williams et al. 1994.)
Human Genome
News. Mansfield BK (1994) Mouse gene data files available from UT Memphis. Human
Genome News, May 1994.
Takahashi JS (1994) Forward and reserve genetic approaches to behavior in the
mouse. Science 264: 1724–1733. (This review contains a brief
description of the Portable Dictionary of the Mouse Genome.)
Kaiser J (2000) Mouse Brain Library: Netwatch Images selection. Science
Appeal (Memphis newspaper). July 9, 2001. Front page photo of Abigail Haynes
working in R. Williams laboratory (by Lance Murphey).
Business Journal. Jan 15–21, 2002. Vol. 24 No. X. RW cited in article on
Genome Explorations.
Appeal. May 15, 2002: World’s scientists sniff trail of complex traits. RW
cited in article as organizer. Page A11.
Computer, Inc. Providing Broad Access to Tissue Banks: on the Science &
Technology site at http://www.apple.com/scitech/appletech/dv/utic/ (posted 2002)
News Release. Feb 17, 2003 by
Monica Amarelo. iScope, you scope, we all scope a mouse brain
Inc. Which gene influences what? Data Desk aids in gene mapping:
DataDescription Inc., by Holly M. Bailey, July 2003, http://www.datadesk.com/company/profiles/williams.shtml
Bio IT World. June 15, 2003 issue.
Building a better mouse database. http://www.bio-itworld.com/archive/061503/mouse_sidebar_2646.html and see http://www.bio-itworld.com/archive/061503/mouse.html
Science (2003) Geneticists Dream of 1001 Complex Mice. Science 301:456–457
by GretchenVogel
World (2004) Mouse Brains — FileMaker & Excel by Mike Nelson
Business Journal. Aug 12–18, 2005, by Scott Shepard. Mouse engineer:
Williams leads project to revolutionize genomics research
Issues: Biomedical Informatics Research Network: August 2005.
“Williams helps integrate diverse mouse data.” www.nbirn.net/Publications/Newsletter/ pp 5-6
Business Journal. July 7–13, 2006, pp. 9–10
by Scott Shepard. Focus on Biotech. Biotech debate:
Share or covet knowledge. pp. 9-10. This article includes an interview with RWW.
“The key concept is to recognize the areas of science and areas of industry
that we all regard as pre-competitive.”
Magazine (Jan 2007) “What the Mouse Brain Tells Us,” by Alice Park.
Jan 29, 2007, p. 93.
Neuroscience Gateway (Feb
2007) Pump
up the volume. Genes associated with basolateral amygdala morphology are involved in neuronal
development. Feb
doi:10.1038/aba1717 http://www.neuroscience-gateway.org/2007/070215/full/aba1717.shtml
[An article about a paper by Mozhui, Hamre, Holmes, Lu, and Williams on
loci modulating volume of the amygdala.]
Snow, D (April
2008) The Million Dollar Mouse: a statewide consortium provides a model of
collaboration and research. Business TN, www.businesstn.com/pub/5_4/features/8506-1.html
Business Journal, April 24, 2012: University of Tennessee research awarded $2.1
M NIH grant, http://www.bizjournals.com/memphis/news/2012/04/25/ut-researcher-awarded-21m-nih-grant.html?ana=e_du_pub&s=article_du&ed=2012-04-25