Guomin Zhou

Guomin Zhou


Department of Histology and Embryology
Shanghai Medical University
138 Yi Xue Yuan Road
Shanghai 2000032, PRC
Phone: (21) 64178210, 64041900-2027  
Fax from USA to China: (603) 962-6556
Web: Guomin Zhou or Histology


1993 Ph.D. in Histology & Embryology, Shanghai Medical University
1984 M.D. in Ophthalmology, Hengyang Medical College, Hunan


Mammalian visual system development
Genetics of myopia
Retinal disease and degeneration


2000–present: Professor: Shanghai Medical University, Department of Histology & Embryology
1997–1999: Visiting Research Scientist: University of Tennessee, College of Medicine, Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology
1999: Participant, Gordon Research Conference in Quantitative Genetics. Ventura CA
1994–2000: Associate Professor: Shanghai Medical University, Department of Histology & Embryology
1993: Workshop for Neuroscience Trainee: Hong Kong Chinese University
1991–1996: Lecturer: Nerve Tissue and Nerve Tissue Culture, Shanghai Medical University, Department of Anatomy
1990–1994: Lecturer Shanghai Medical University, Department of Histolgy & Embryology
1986–1989: Assistant Shanghai Medical University, Department of Histology & Embryology
1984–1986: Assistant Hengyang Medical College, Department of Histology & Embryology
1983–1984: Intern: Shaoyang Hospital, Hunan, P.R.China


1999–2001: Principal Investigator NSFC grant: Quantitative genetic study on myopia (in review)

2001–2003: Principal Investigator Shanghai Education Development Foundation grant: Study on Retinopathy of Prematurity. RMB:110,000

2000–2002: Principal Investigator CNCS (National Human Genome Research Center in Shanghai) grant: QTLs mapping in mouse eye. RMB:100,000

1999–2002: Principal Investigator, China Medical Board grant: Mapping Genes that control variation in horizontal cells of mice retina. USD:5,000

1999–2001: Principal Investigator SMU grant: Analysis on variation of horizontal cells of mice retina. RMB:70,000

2000–2004: Coinvestigator NIH R01 EY12991 grant: Genetic and Epigenetic Control of Eye Growth (subcontract approx. $25,000/year)

1999–2002: Coinvestigator NIH R01 EY13070: Biometric and Functional Studies of the Eye and Retina (subcontract approx. $25,000/year)

1996–1997: Principal Investigator: Ministry of Public Health of China: Development and Regeneration of Retina. 9680934. RMB: 10,000.

1995–1997: Principal Investigator: National Natural Science Foundation of China. Study on the Effects of bFGF during the Development of Embryonic Human Retina. 39470243.RMB: 60,000.

1995: Huazhan Teaching fellowship from Shanghai Medical University

1992–1993: Principal Investigator: Shanghai Medical University. Immunohistochemistry Study on the Development of Embryonic Human Retina." 9230276. RMB: 2,000

1992: Guanghua Fellowship from Shanghai Medical University

AWARDS 1996 Young Histochemist Award: International Federation of Societies of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry. Kyoto, Japan.
1995 Advanced Teacher Award granted by Shanghai Medical University
1994 Lecturing Competion Award for Young Teacher from Shanghai Medical University


Council member of Shanghai Society of Anatomy
Society for Neuroscience (USA)
Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology
Chinese Society for Neuroscience
Chinese Society of Anatomical Science
Chinese society of Cell Biology

REVIEWER FOR Chinese Journal of Anatomy
Acta Anatomica Sinica

TEACHING 1984–1996 Medical Histology, Medical Embryology
1991–1996 Medical Neuroanatomy
1991–1996 Graduate course in Tissue Culture


Born Oct. 20, 1962, Hunan, P.R. China. Married, 2 children (Xiaoyu and Tim)
  1. Zhou G and Gu HY (1993) Expression of synaptophysin in developing human fetal retina. Chinese Journal of Anatomy 16: 477–480.

  2. Zhou G and Gu HY (1993) Advances in the study of retinal developmental. Prog. Anat. Sci. China 24: 118.

  3. Zhou G (1994) Eye and Ear. In: Textbook of Histology and Embryology. Cheng LZ (ed) People Health Press Beijing, pp. 232–242.

  4. Zhou G, Gu HY. (1994) Differentiation of neurons in the developing human retina: Immunohistochemical study on neuron-specific enolase. Chinese Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry 3: 502.

  5. Zhou G, Xiao HL, She ZJ, Gu HY (1994) Immunohistochemical study on the distribution of Muller cells in retinas. Acta Academiae Medicinae Shanghai 21: 382.

  6. Zhou G, Li YP, Xiao HL, Gu HY (1994) Immunohistochemical study on the distribution of synaptophysin in retinoblastoma. Chinese Journal of Anatomy 17: 108.

  7. Zhou G, Gu HY (1994) Occurrence and distribution of neurofilament protein in the retina during the development of the human embryo. Acta Anatomica Sinica 25: 283.

  8. Zhou G, She ZJ, and Gu HY (1995) Study on the development of human embryonic retina in vitro. Acta Academiae Medicinae Shanghai 22: 1–6.

  9. Zhou G, Yu W, Wu CS, and Gu HY (1996) Immunohistochemical study on the development of neurons in the human embryonic retina. Acta Histochemical and Cytochemical 29: 1071–XXX.

  10. Zhou G (1996) Development of Eye and Ear. In: Human Embryology, Liu B (ed) People Health Press, Beijing, pp. 342–389.

  11. Zhou G, Yu W (1997) Development and differentiation of the nervous system. In: Developmental Neurobiology, Cai WQ (ed) Science and Technology Press Beijing.

  12. Zhou G (1997) Immunohistochemistry Technique. In: Tumor Pathology, Xu LZ (ed) Shanghai Medical University Press Shanghai, pp. 129–87.

  13. Williams RW, Strom RC, Zhou G, and Yan Z (1998) Genetic dissection of retinal development. Seminars in Cell and Developmental Biology 9:249–255. Online version at

  14. Zhou G, Williams RW (1998) Eye1 and Eye2: Gene loci that modulate eye size, lens weight, and retinal area in mouse. Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. 40: 817–825. Online version at

  15. Zhou G, Williams RW (1999) Mouse models for the analysis of myopia: an analysis of variation in eye size of adult mice. Optom Vis Sci. 76: 408–418. Online at

  16. Williams RW, Lu L, Kulkarni A, Zhou G, Airey DC (2000) Neurogenetic analysis of olfactory bulbs in mice: QTLs on chromosomes 4, 6, 11, and 17 modulate growth. Behavior Genetics, in press (August 2000). Online version at

RECENT ABSTRACTS (1997 to present)

  1. Zhou G, Williams RW (1997) Mapping genes that control variation in eye weight, retinal area, and retinal cell density Neuroscience Abstracts 23:864.

  2. Williams RW, Strom RC, Zhou G, Goldowitz D (1997) A QTL analysis of the size and cell composition of the mouse brain. 11th International Mouse Genome Conference Abstracts:182.

  3. Williams RW, Strom RC, Zhou G, Airey DC (1998) New QTLs that modulate eye and brain development: comparison of RIs, F2s, and an advanced intercross. Int Mouse Genome Conf 12.

  4. Williams RW, Strom RC, Zhou G, Goldowitz D, Gilissen EP, Rosen G. (1998) Mapping genes that control brain size and neuron number: A QTL analysis of the mouse CNS and retina. FASEB J. 12: A628.

  5. Zhou G, Peng X, Williams RW (1998) Genetic and environmental factors influencing eye size in mice. Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. Suppl. 39: 506.

  6. Zhou G, Strom RC, Giguere V, Williams RW (1998) Modulation of retinal cell populations and eye size in retinoic acid receptor knockout mice. Neuroscience Abstracts 24:1033.

  7. Williams RW, Zhou G (1999) Genetic control of eye size: a novel quantitative genetic approach. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci Suppl 40: S964.

  8. Williams RW, Kulkarni AL, Jones L, Zhou G, Airey DC, Lu L (2000) Growth of the olfactory bulbs is modulated by QTLs on chromosomes 4, 6, 11, and 17. Neuroscience Abstracts 26: in press.

Since 11 August 1998
Updated 21 July 2000